Film “The Northern Wind” (after novella of Mykolas Sluckis) tells about relationship of parents and children.Gintas protests against his stepmother Milda who forbade him to sail to the sea with hi...
The film Adult Games, directed by Algimantas Kundelis, which won R. Adomaitis the title of the best male actor in 1968 in the Baltic, Belarusian and Moldovian Film Festival in Riga, perfectly shows th...
Lithuanian film made in Soviet Lithuania and directed by Vytautas Žalakevičius. Žalakevičius, actor Donatas Banionis, and cinematographer Jonas Gricius were awarded USSR State Prize for the film i...
The 20th anniversary of Lithuanian Film Studio.The building of the film studio. The meeting in the hall. Among attendees, there are filmmakers Jonas Gricius, Viktoras Starošas, Vytautas Žalakevičiu...